Medicare Nation

MN084 FDA Issues Recall of Levothyroxine (Thyroid Tablets)



Hey Medicare Nation! I have a special show for you today. The FDA has issued a "Voluntary Recall" on Westminster Pharmaceuticals of all lots of their Levothyroxine and Liothyronine (Thyroid Tablets). Westminster Pharmaceuticals, LLC, which has its Corporate HQ in Tampa, Florida, is voluntarily recalling all lots, within the expiration date, of Levo-thyroxine and Lio-thyronine (Thyroid Tablets) dosages of 15 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg, 90 mg, & 120 mg up to the wholesale level. These products are being recalled by Westminster Pharmaceuticals as a precaution, because they were manufactured using active pharmaceutical ingredients that were sourced, prior to the FDA’s “Import Alert”  of Sichuan Friendly Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., which is out of China.   The Recall comes as a result of a 2017 inspection where deficiencies were found with “Current Good Manufacturing Practices” (cGMP). Substandard cGMP practices…..could represent……the possibility of risk….. being introduced into the manufacturing process. To date, Westmin