Medicare Nation

Special Election Period For Weather Related Disaesters



Hey Medicare Nation! It's Medicare Annual Enrollment Time! The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period runs from October 15th through December 7th, each year. Many of you are looking at different Medicare Advantage Plans and Prescription Drug Plans for 2018. Some of you are staying with the Medicare Advantage Plan you're already on. What many of you don't that the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has added a Special Election Period for individuals affected by weather related disaster's since September. Anyone that resides in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico, South Carolina or the U.S. Virgin Islands, may qualify for this special election period, due to hurricane Irma. Anyone residing in Louisiana and Mississippi may qualify for the Special Election Period, due to Tropical Storm Nate. Residents of Texas may qualify due to Hurricane Harvey. To determine if you qualify for this special election period, CMS has deferred the locations affected by Weather Disaster's to FEMA. Go to the