Medicare Nation

MN075 2018 Prescription Drug changes



2018 Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Cost Sharing It's October folks! Medicare season has begun! As of October 1st, licensed health insurance agents may begin speaking about 2018 Medicare Advantage Plans and stand-alone prescription drug plans. If you have a relationship with a licensed health insurance agent, Medicare Specialist or Medicare Consultant, they will more than likely start contacting you about your current plan. This is the time to discuss your concerns with your Medicare Specialist. You need to determine if all your prescription drugs are listed in the plan's 2018 formulary.  You also need to determine what your 2018 monthly costs will be for all your prescription medications. Ask yourself......."Have my out-of-pocket prescription drugs costs remained feasible on my current plan for 2018?" If so..... that's great! If not, it may be time to take a look at a new stand-alone-prescription drug plan. If you're on a Medicare Advantage Drug Plan, you will need to determine if your physicians are stil