Medicare Nation

Is a Colonoscopy the Only Type of Colo Rectal Preventative Exam Available? MN070



Hey Medicare Nation! March is colon cancer awareness month! Medicare offers different types of "preventative" tests and exams, which aid in diagnosing illnesses and diseases, such as colon cancer. Always speak with your primary care physician or specialist doctor, to discuss your medical history, family history regarding illness and diseases, as well as any signs & symptoms you may have. This will assist your physician in determining which type of "preventative" test or exam, is best for you. A special "Thank You," goes out to Phillip, from Kenosha, Wisconsin, who asks the question: "I don't like going through a colonoscopy. Are other options available and how often do I need one?" Let's look at Medicare's official website, to find out more about "preventative" Colo rectal cancer screenings.   How often is it covered? Medicare Part B covers several types of colo rectal cancer screening tests to help find precancerous growths or find cancer early, when treatment is most effective. One or m