Medicare Nation

MN069 How to Make an Appointment With a Medicare Supplement Plan



Hey Medicare Nation! I receive many phone calls from clients, who say they were unable to schedule an appointment with a new doctor; even though they are on a Medicare Supplement Plan.  I made many phone calls, with my clients to physician offices, in order to fix these issues. What I found out didn't surprise me. Many of the staff at physician office's across the country are inadequately trained in the different types of Medicare Plans. I decided to educate you on how to make an appointment with a physician, lab, hospital, SNF or radiology center, if you have a Medicare Supplement Plan. Having a Medicare Supplement Plan allows you the freedom to see any physician or provider you want.....,as long as the provider "accepts assignment" with Medicare. Let's take an example. If you wanted to make an appointment with a new Cardiologist, 1. call the office you want to be seen in. 2. Tell the person, who is scheduling your appointment, that          Medicare is your Primary Insurance. 3. You may be asked if you have