Medicare Nation

MN060 Choose The Medicare Plan That Fits Your Unique Needs



  10 Days left in the Annual Enrollment Period. That's plenty of time to find the plan that fits your needs for 2017, The one change that everyone is talking about is the increase to the Medicare Part B Premium. Last month, Social Security announced a .03% COLA for Social Security beneficiaries in 2017. With the COLA announcement, the hold harmless rule is in effect.                   This means if the social security COLA doesn’t cover the increase to the Medicare Part B base premium, those individuals who already have their Medicare Part B premium taken out of their Social Security benefit check will not see that deduction in their benefit check. The hold harmless individuals, who make up about 70% of all Medicare beneficiaries, won’t even come close to covering the $134.00 base Part B premium in 2017.  The hold harmless protection will squeak out a Medicare Part B premium increase of about $109.00. The hold harmless rule does not protect individuals who: Are enrolling in Medicare Part B for the first time