Medicare Nation

Special Election Periods Q and A



Welcome Medicare Nation! We have a question today and I know many of you need this information!   MEDICARE SPECIAL ENROLLMENT PERIOD SHOW NOTES Here’s quick guide to when you can make changes to your Medicare Advantage Plan:   You can make your initial selection of a Medicare Advantage Plan when you enroll in Medicare at age 65. During the Annual Enrollment Period which is between October 15th through Dec 7th every year. You can dis-enroll from a Medicare Advantage Plan between January 1- Feb 14th, but you would have to go back on to Original Medicare because you cannot switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan at this time. You may have a “Special Election” that qualifies you to change your plan.   The Special Election Period that qualifies you to change your Medicare Advantage Plan, is what we want to focus on today.  There are certain circumstances which allow you to qualify for this option. If You Move If you move and your new residence is not in your plan service area. You would need to notify Medicar