Medicare Nation

You May Qualify for Extra Prescription Help - A Little Known Government Program



Welcome Medicare Nation!  Today, I want to tell you about the federal government program called The Extra Help program, also called Limited Income Subsidy (LIS).  If you never heard of this program, you may be missing out on some additional subsidies for your prescription drug purchases. So let’s walk through the program to see if you qualify. Qualifications for the Program: 1. Must be a resident of one of the 50 states in America 2. Your resources (savings, stocks, bonds, 401k etc.) cannot exceed $13,640 (married $27,250) 3. Your annual income cannot be more than $17,820/yr (married $24,030) 4. If you support someone else who resides with you (not your spouse), you may qualify for a higher threshold   How to Apply for Extra Help: The easiest route is to apply through Social Security 1. Apply online: - click benefits and then apply for extra help  2. Call Social Security directly at 800-772-1213 3. Go to your local Social Security office - find locations at  Make sure you keep a paper