Medicare Nation

Want to Change Your Medicare Advantage Plan? Get the Info You Must Know First



Welcome Medicare Nation! It’s tax season! Today is April 15th and it’s the dreaded tax deadline day! It’s this time of year that people realize they need to make some changes to their Medicare plan. However, many people don’t realize that you can’t just make changes anytime you want to a Medicare Advantage Plan. There are specific times that you can make changes, and then you have to live with them until the opportunity arises to make changes again.   Here’s quick guide to making changes to your Medicare Advantage Plan:   You make your initial selection of your Medicare Advantage Plan when you enroll at 65. During annual enrollment from October 15 to Dec 7th. You can dis-enroll from January 1- Feb 14th, but you would have to go on to original Medicare because you cannot switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan at this time. You may have a “Special Election” that allows you to change your plan.   That Special Election for Medicare Advantage is what we want to focus on today.  There are certain circumstances