Medicare Nation

Will You Contract Pneumococcal Disease? Let's Hope Not. It's Deadly!



Welcome! I’m honored to introduce you to my guest today, Dr. Regina Benjamin, who is the former U.S. Surgeon General under President Obama.  There has been some confusion about the position of US Surgeon General, so can you describe the position and tell us what it entails? “Most people associate the US Surgeon General with the warnings on tobacco products about the dangers. That’s not all we do, though. We are responsible to communicate the best health science that we have. The Surgeon General is also the leader of US Public Health Services. We are considered part of the military. I like to say we carry needles, and not guns.” Are you appointed or elected to the position? “The US Surgeon General is nominated by the president, and then confirmed by the Senate. The Senate also assigns the position for a 1-4 year term. I was fortunate to be confirmed unanimously without a hearing.” Can you explain the focus of your mission today? “Part of the division of Science and Communication is to get the word out about h