Medicare Nation

Stopping Fraud Against Seniors and Medicare with Anne Fredericton of Senior Medicare Patrol



Welcome to today’s episode, which covers Medicare fraud.  The Medicare Strike Force and the Health Insurance Preventive Enforcement Action Team (HEAT) exist to stop fraud in its tracks.  Do you think fraud is a widespread problem?  Take a look at the statistics:  in 2011, $15-60 billion was lost to Medicare fraud, and the Center for Medicare Services (CMS) predicts that $65 billion yearly is issued in error.  Those are huge numbers!  My guest today will  help explain the ongoing efforts to stop the fraud! Anne Frederickson works for one of the volunteer programs trying to help in the fight against fraud.  Ann is a project manager in Ohio for the Senior Medicare Patrol at Pro-Seniors, which is a non-profit, long-term care and advocacy program in Cincinnati.  Ann has been in this position since 2002, and has also worked in geriatrics and hospital administration for 30+ years.  Ann hosts a weekly radio program, “Medicare Moment” on WMKV 89.3 FM. Explain what Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) is all about. SMP volunte