Medicare Nation

Handling Special Dietary Needs and Eating Healthy on a Fixed Income with Melissa Joy Dobbins



Welcome Medicare Nation!  Today’s guest is Melissa Joy Dobbins, a nationally recognized Dietician with more than 20 years of experience dealing with the nutritional needs of not just Seniors, but people with special dietary needs like diabetes.  Melissa will show us how to eat healthy on a fixed income, and the things we can to do use food to help improve our overall health!    1.  Family members and the senior need to feel like you are in control of your own choices.  This means you need to take an active role in making great food choices, and feel empowered to make good decisions for yourself.   2.  It’s important for adult children to not be afraid to be a backseat driver for your elderly parent. Intervene when needed, but involve them in as many decisions about their nutrition as possible.             How to eat healthy on a fixed income: will give you a ton of information. Fruits and vegetables don’t have to be fresh to provide good nutrition Eggs are a healthy and affordable addition to t