Medicare Nation

Death Series Part 2 Do you know someone who has less than 6 months to live? MN006



Hospice and End of Life Resources for Palliative Care   Welcome Medicare Nation!  Today we continue with Part 2 of our Death Series, as we talk about end of life resources that Hospice provides.  Most people are familiar with Hospice and the services they provide, but I wanted us to take a closer look at Hospice as it relates to Medicare.  Hospice provides several different levels of care, but the focus of our conversation today is routine care and respite care.   My guest for today is Judy Lund Person. Judy is with the National Hospice and Palliative Care Association.  She has worked in the national office since 2002 and is considered an expert in Compliance and Regulatory Leadership for Palliative Care.      We discuss some very important aspects of Hospice care and Medicare, so for more details on each of these questions below, please listen to the full episode here.     Who qualifies for Hospice services?   Hospice is for patients who have a life expectancy of 6 months or less. Hospice is covered under Pa