Freecoast Freecast

S02E06: Even With Bad News The Kids Give us Hope



Even With Bad News The Kids Give us Hope   Show synopsis: $300 million in Parity wallets frozen. Despite faster technology, younger generations better at delaying gratification. Portsmouth thinks more regulation will solve zoning crisis. Rand Paul assaulted. Hundreds detained on Bolshevik centennial. The big question: Would America have been better off if the US fell apart in 1787? 1861? What about now for the future? Featuring Hosts: Matt Carano, Mike Vine, and Nick Boyle   Engineered by: Matt Carano   Produced by: Tom Hudson, Matt Carano, Mike Vine, and Nick Boyle News Breaking news The Parity Multisig Wallet contract has another exploit. (Matt) Within the last 24 hours a hacker by the name of devopps199 posted in the Parity Github the phrase “anyone can kill your contract” Basically by making themselves the contract owner they were able permanently and irrevers
