Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

RebuiltU #52: Aging Gracefully... part 2: The 2nd enemy of aging... your decay



Aging. We all do it, but some do it better than others. We are going to explore this topic and give you some insights about healthy aging.     The great thing about this job, is that I get to meet a wide variety of people. I think every one has something to teach me.  The super healthy and the super sick both offer lessons.   A couple of months ago I had someone come in that was "too late", much too late. Advanced neurological destruction and severe liver problems. Those are hard ones, because there is a point of no return for the body.   One of my pet projects over the last 20 years has been to find as many ways to prevent problems as I can. I think it's important because it can keep you from jumping the rails and going off course.    Health is a nebulous concept, like wisdom. There is no end point to arrive to. But, we definitely know what unhealthy is. That's pretty easy.      You have pain. You are over weight. You are chronically tired. You have diabetes. You have XYZ disease.     There are more than 10,