Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

RebuiltU #49 Great Mexico Cancer Clinic



You can’t afford to NOT know about this secret Mexican clinic. This is about the most dangerous thing you might face in your life. I was talking to a patient yesterday about this email and I said “statistically” 1 in 2 males gets this. “That means either you or I will get cancer”. He laid there thinking for a minute. Then I told him 1 in 3 women get cancer. He asked me if that was ALL types. It is. When you think about it, that’s really what matters. Cancer is cancer, no matter where it is. I have something very special for you today. I sat down with a long time friend, Dr. Shetlin, and we talked about cancer as husbands and fathers and not as doctors. Why would we do that? Most of you know, I write a lot about breast cancer this time of year. I help out a breast cancer charity for survivors, and I’ve lost two close relatives to cancer. I will likely lose another relative very soon. Dr. Shetlin’s wife is currently battling cancer and he was kind enough to sit down with me and talk about it and the alternative