Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

SLCSAW #33 9 Secrets of Energy Production



9 Secrets of Energy Production (+Memorial Week Hours) -------Memorial Day / Week Crazy Hours----- -Monday (Memorial Day) -Closed -Tuesday -10-6pm -Wednesday -12-6pm -Thursday -10-12:30pm --------------------------------------------------------- Is energy is in short supply for you? Today, we're not talking about the basics, I'll give you a little more to think about. And...don't even think about an "energy" drink. The shear popularity of these drinks is a indicator of the need for real energy and not stimulants. Just to refresh.  The basics of energy are function and nutrition. So look to these and check yourself. If you have these down, then the 9 secrets will kick you up a notch or two. #1. Nutrition. Energy is a fundamental byproduct of food being broken down into the useable form called ATP.  ATP is the bodies gas. Think of it like raw oil coming from the ground and being refined to a useable gasoline. If you put bad gas in your car, it'll run poorly. Your body needs good whole foods, not cereal,