Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

SLCSAW #16 Are you tired, and don't know what to do?



Start solving your fatigue problems tonight in your kitchen. Today we’re going to be talking about ENERGY. For those of you who are struggling with fatigue, this might be your show of all shows. If you’re tired and can’t get out of bed in the morning or you just don’t have that zip and energy like you used to have. Here’s a whole bunch of stuff that could help you out a lot today. This all started many, many years ago for myself because I was just tired all the time. I couldn’t get out of bed very well. At one point, it was about ten snooze alarms into the morning and my wife pretty much had to actually kick me out of bed because I couldn’t get up. That was a problem and I had to come to some realizations that I was working too hard, so I cut back on the hours that I worked. That’s where I am today. I work fewer hours and that’s okay, because I’m a lot happier and I can actually go out and have fun and play with my kids and do things that I sometimes was not able to do. Today we’re tackling fatigue, so that y