Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

SLCSAW #13 How to find purpose, passion, and RAWtopia



This is Dr. Altman. I am in Rawtopia with Omar. He is the owner and the master chef here. I have something very special for you because we were in the office the other day and he was telling me all about his purpose in life. He has an amazing story and I think you guys can all benefit from his history, his story and maybe a little journey on finding your own purpose. Maybe if you want to just tell people a little about what we were talking about in the office last week and how you ended up in the restaurant business. I think it's a fascinating story because you've been all over the world and you have a story unlike anybody else I've ever heard. Maybe if you want to just refresh people like who you are, how you got into the restaurant business, and really just your story and how you ended up in Salt Lake. Thanks for having me on this podcast. It’s an honor. Anyway, we were talking about purpose. Purpose is something incredibly important. I feel like we're all destined to do something that we’re sent here to do