Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

SLCSAW #11 You matter more than you know



This may be one of the most important podcasts I've done. How much are YOU worth? Are you worth X dollars per hour? Are you worth love from your family?Are you worth ____________fill in the blank?"Your self-worth has nothing to do with your craft or calling, and everything to do with how you treat yourself." -Kris CarrHow people spend their time and money is very telling of how much they value themselves. The body that you were born with is yours and it is a blessing. It is the vehicle that carries your soul around.Most people would agree that true health is eating more than a salad and hitting the gym. Healthy people have a...Healthy MindHealthy Body &Healthy SoulWe've talked about these concepts in chiropractic for more than 100 years. I look at it like this. Is your mind full of giving, caring, graciousness, love, and helping others? orDo you think about how to get things, one up someone, take from others, talk over some one or down to them? Is your mind filled with peace? or Angst or worry?Are you thi