Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

SLCSAW #9 Life, Health, Success all wrapped up in one VERY powerful 1/2 hour with Garrett Gunderson



Welcome back. This is Dr. Altman and today I have a very special guest with you.  His name is Garrett Gunderson. He is a financial guru that has a fabulous book out called ‘Killing Sacred Cows.’  He’s done numerous TV shows. and they run a very successful financial program here in Salt Lake City.  Today, I want to bring you a little bit more with him because he does something that a lot of very successful people don’t do very well, that is take good care of their health, and I want to let him kind of give you a little information on his health journey, maybe some success tips, and in general, make your life a lot better. So I’ve just got to turn it over to Garrett, if he has anything new to say, but also I kind of want to know how your journey into better health started.   Garrett: Well for me, I think it was 2005, I want to…What I told my wife, I said… It was a spa, but it was actually a week long health retreat that we went to.   Dr. A: Is this the one at Sanoviv?    Garrett: It was, yes. Sanoviv that we we