Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

SLCSAW #6 Cancer options - Jamie Foote and Dr. Altman



  Dr. A: Alright, we are back with a very special guest today This lady is an inspiration to me and she will most likely be a very big inspiration to you. Because she has one of the coolest stories on cancer survival that I have heard, and I want you to hear this straight from her, so that you understand that cancer is a nasty thing that takes a lot of work to get over and there is no one simple cure and there are a lot of things you can do. I interviewed multiple cancer survivors, and they all have one thing in common, they have done a whole lot of different stuff. She's going to talk about some of things she's done, just to give you an idea of things that are out there. If there are more questions, just add them in the comments. I met Jamie last year, and she helped me with some cancer things and she turned me onto some sites that I just had never heard of before. She is an absolute wonderful resource, so what I'm going to do, is let her tell you her story and I'll  jump in periodically. I'm going to let yo