Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

SLCSAW #3 The BS of Eat Less and Exercise More



The BS of Eat less, Exercise more, Read this if you aren't losing weight. As many of you know, I've been on a documentary kick. I watch 3-4 a day and many of them multiple times. The latest one is "Fed Up". I really think, if every American watched it, we could be a new nation. It has many good points. I'm just going to give you a summary of the first half.   In 1953, It all started with a mouse and its exercise. Researchers noticed that the mouse that exercised was thinner.  I don't know about you, but I know plenty of women that exercise religiously and never lose weight. My wife used to be one of them, until we figured out she had a hormone problem. Boom, she lost 33 lbs, that year. She actually exercised less.    I used to have a body fat percentage that was immovable. I worked out, hard, three times a week. It wasn't until I stopped exercising and significantly destressed my life, that my body fat dropped a percentage a month. I couldn't believe it.   Between the years, 1980-2000 fitness club memberships