Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

SLCSAW #2 Why I take a nearly 100 year old multivitamin



Why a multivitamin can help you and make some big differences   This is a story from a patient who was in desperate need of help. You are not likely this bad off, but it highlights how a few simple things can make a huge impact.   “In a nutshell… Dr. Altman saved my life. When I first came to Dr. Altman 6 weeks ago I felt hopeless. I’m 36 years old and I truly felt that I was dying. I was so deeply entrenched in medical problems and worries since I was 6 years old, but I didn’t care what medications I took just as long as I could temporarily feel better. After all I thought didn’t have much longer to live, even my body support this feeling.   I was lethargic, depressed, forgetful, and had pain everywhere. I was taking 2 to 10 Ibuprofen a day. I was going through a bottle of antacids per week. This was in addition to my prescription. For asthma allergies and high blood pressure, but I was still having health problems.   I was referred to Dr. Altman and after my first adjustment I felt like new and I could actu