Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

SLCSAW #1 Detox with food and supplements for better health



Last month when I did a survey with patients about what they were most interested in...detoxification was the run away winner.   Two months ago, I had a patient with chronic pain do a very simple cleansing diet. I mean very simple, and even with just diet changes, it was amazing. Within 5 days, she had almost no pain. I meet patients every month that have no idea what life would be like without pain, OR they have had pain so long they think it is normal. Yes, some people think that everyone has low back pain, or that everyone has headaches, or…. (fill in the blank).  A lot of people may have those problems and it may be “common”, but it is not normal.   Do this simple detox diet test. Just answer Yes or No   Y / N -Headaches  Y / N -Fatigue  Y / N -Digestive Problems  Y / N -Food Cravings  Y / N -Weight gain  Y / N -Low mental focus  Y / N -I drink alcohol  Y / N -I drink soda  Y / N -I eat fast food  Y / N -I drink tap water  Y / N -I don’t eat organic food    If you circled “Y” for any of them, you may want