Moms With Dreams Show

MWD 106: Helping Moms Live an E.P.I.C. Life w/Julie Neale



Julie Neale, the founder of Mother’s Quest Community and host of the Mother’s Quest podcast, honors both the magic and the mess of motherhood and believes that our children challenge us to grown into our best selves. Julie is on a mission to live a truly E.P.I.C. life and, through her example, inspire her children and other mothers to do the same. In this episode, Julie and I discuss: Mother’s Quest – what it is and why she created it The guide posts to live an E.P.I.C. life as a busy mom The biggest challenge Julie thinks women face The cost of not investing in yourself and your business And more… Connect with Julie Neale online: I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Julie and that you heard something that resonated with you. I know that investing in yourself as a mom is a BIG challenge – especially if you’re not accustomed to doing things for yourself. I struggled with that for years. But like Julie said, think about the cost of not investing in yourself and how that will impact