Loud Murmurs

S3 E13 “Avatar: the Last Airbender” — A secret tunnel to the end of 2020



This is one of the most anticipated episodes on Loud Murmurs for Afra, Juan, and Ina, who share a (un)healthy obsession with the Nickelodeon cartoon “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” We’ve also invited a special guest, Eris Qian (Zhuoyang), New York-based director and playwright, to talk about why we love the show so much.It’s not just us. The 15-year-old cartoon is having a moment, a “stunning second life” as a recent New Yorker article put it. In May, “Avatar the Last Airbender” became the most-watched show on Netflix. The show’s adventures, friendships, failures, redemptions, and the characters’ struggle for morality in a chaotic world feel more real than real life in 2020. If you haven’t watched the show, go watch it before listening to this episode because lots of ~spoilers~ and simping a certain character whose name starts with “z.” May ATLA be your secret tunnel through 2020. In this episode, we talked about:Avatar’s world-building: Pan-Asian culture Cultural appropriation vs. appreciation Our favorite cha
