Diligent Pastors

Growing Your Church with Michael Boutot



What You Will Learn How a high school math teacher helped lead Michael to trust Christ How youth work developed Michael’s passion for pastoral ministry How God used health difficulties to introduce Michael to his future wife How to use the original biblical languages in your study and preaching How to run a monthly “Ask the Pastor” night to answer biblical questions from the congregation Why spiritual growth of the congregation should precede numerical growth How to use a program called “God Rewards Our Work” (GROW) to increase church participation in outreach to the community How all ages can be involved in church ministry Why patience is necessary when introducing doctrinal and practical change in a church Why the authority of the Bible enables clarity in your Bible teaching How to deal with criticism, discouragement, and other hurtful aspects of pastoral ministry Why training in biblical counseling is critical to shepherding people About Our Guest Michael Boutot has served in pastoral ministry for over 3