How To Get Healthy And Get Pregnant

Gut Health and Fertility



Today, I actually want to revisit an old topic that we’ve talked about a lot this past year.  And that is gut health.   I want to revisit gut health because since episode 3 aired, the responses and questions have been overwhelming because it’s a new way of looking at nutrition, and how specifically it affects fertility. In the US, salads are the go to "health" foods.  And most people grew up drinking milk.  So cutting out dairy and ditching the smoothies and salads for most people, presents a huge lifestyle change.   Through working with clients and talking to women in our private Facebook group, I see three main obstacles that people are encountering when they make this shift to no raw foods and no dairy. So let's dive in and talk about how to overcome these obstacles.   Links mentioned in this episode: Podcast episodes mentioned: Episode 3 - Why Gut Health is So Important for Fertility  
