Miami Underground Movement - M.u.m.

M.U.M & FLOW:MNGMNT Proudly Presents "Miami Sessions with Wehbba-M.U.M Episode 94



Rod B. & Alvaro Garfunk bring you the Miami Underground MovementDJ WEHBBA bioHailing from Brazil, Wehbba is one of the latest additions of Brazil's techno ambassadors.Dentist graduate, licensed diver and purple belt Jiu Jitsu fighter for almost five years, he couldhave just stuck to what he does. But DJing and music is what he really does best.Rodolfo Wehba had it all: a practice dentistry office, working in two big clinics in Sao Paulo andbecoming a purple belt Jiu Jitsu fighter, but that was not enough, he actually crossed the pacificocean all the way to Sydney where he divided his time between teaching english and scuba diving,participating in diving expeditions at the great barrier reef of northern Australia.His involvement in the techno scence in Australia inspired him to continue his dream of becominga DJ. After returning to Brazil he started collecting wax and participating in events. As a producer,his main aspiration led him to create his own sound in techno and its subgenres.In 2004, Wehbba relea