Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & Dr. Will Cole

234: Charlotte Ivey On The Physical And Mental Impact Of Unresolved Trauma



It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for the REALEST TALK on the Internet, REAL TALK with Jimmy Moore! Join Jimmy today as he welcomes Charlotte Ivey to talk about the effects of unresolved trauma. “It’s like peeling the layers of an onion. Each time you peel back a layer more is exposed.” - Charlotte Ivey GET STARTED WITH THE KETO CHOW STARTER BUNDLE at In this episode, Jimmy talks about one of his favorite subjects (trauma) with a naturopath friend from Australia named Charlotte Ivey (@lotteameliamay). She has a real passion for helping her patients dealing with mental health issues related to their nutrition, environment, and unresolved trauma. Watch this engaging conversation looking at the mental and physical effects of trauma, why people don’t face their past traumas, and the emotional release that provides such profound results on the health of those who put in the work. If you deal with mysterious emotional and physical ailments, then don’t miss this important podcast!
