Teachers Education Review

TER Live #015 - TeachMeet Wooly!



Be a part of TER #100! Main feature: This TER Live episode presents TeachMeet Woolly! Held at the Woolpack hotel in Parramatta on Tuesday, 22 August 2017. Special thanks to Stephy Salazar for organising the event and inviting us to record and share this content. 00.000 Opening Credits 21.56 Intro - TER Live 15 01:48 Stephy Salazar - Opening of TMWooly 05:53 Tamika Worrell - Acknowledgement of Country 08:28 Kathleen O'Rourke - #twitterislife 11:54 Chantal Mamo - Building Leadership Capacity 18:05 Katie McGrory - Baptism of Fire 23:43 Greg Lee - Don't fear the Career Changers 27:44 Betty Ploeg - It's all about Relationsheeps 35:09 Yasodai Selvakumaran, Paul Capouski & Svetlana Sudarusic - Partnerships for Prac: Working Effectively for a Successful Collaboration 43:49 Michael Ha - Eating Meat Pies with Chopsticks 51:08 Leonie Black - Wooly Words of Wisdom 55:10 Hayley Matas - Securing Permanency! 1:02:50 Ethan Truong - Dear Founders… with love, Millennials 1:09:44 Susan Caldis - Reflection: Comforti