Teachers Education Review

TER #085 - 1to1 Laptops in Science with Simon Crook - 05 Feb 2017



Main Feature: Simon Crook discusses his recent PhD thesis exploring the impact of 1-1 laptop programs on teaching high school science. Regular Features: Off Campus, Dan Haesler asks 'is mindset a lie'?; Education in the News, Cameron considers issues of teacher attrition; Teachers Brains Trust, David from WA questions reports of mandatory tests for WA primary school students. Timecodes & Links: 00.00 Opening Credits 01:19 Intro - A hot start to the year! 02:52 Off Campus - Is mindset a lie? 15:47 Teacher Attrition 42:17 Teachers Brains Trust - School Exams in WA 46:27 Feature Introduction 48:17 Interview - Simon Crook 1:25:15 Announcements 1:28:42 Quote & Sign Off