Teachers Education Review

TER Live #008 - TeachMeet @ EduTech 2015



In June, Corinne travelled to Brisbane for EduTech 2015, and recorded presentations from the Teachmeet event held on the floor of the convention room. Educators form around Australia gathered to share stories of their educational practice. This podcast brings you a selection of recordings from 2 sessions of TeachMeet presentations held on Day 1 of Edutech. Links: This episode was recorded at EduTech Congress and Expo EduTech is presented by ACEvents Timecodes: 00:00 - Opening Credits & Intro 01:48 - Matt Esterman - Welcome to TeachMeet 03:09 Monika Kern - The RAT model - an alternative to SAMR 06:57 Paul Hamilton - Making student thinking visible with iPads 11:06 Paul Herring - Solving Real Problems with Computational Thinking 16:09 Corinna Bailey - Collaboration & ICT managing project work 24:12 Jon Andrews - Grassroots Research & Innovation 32:11 Peter Sercombe - Meet "Grover" - a 3d printed, FPV search and rescue robot 37:45 Eric Sheninger - A Better Way to Backchannel 42:42 Jacques du Toit -