Wake Up Bainbridge

051 - Hart Attacks Wake Up Bainbridge With a Surprise Visit and The Entitlement Talks Part Two



The one and only, Hart Williams stops by the Outcome Studios to sit with Sal and Rich and Wake Up Bainbridge with a continued talk about entitlement, how Hart landed on The Rock and a ton of other topics. BE WARNED, the boys go off the rails a bit on this one. There is an S-Bomb and an FS-Bomb. We did a fancy edit to keep our "clean" status but it's just plain funny. As an aside, we stalked Hart's 750 mile row boat race. You can also follow them on their Instagram page here.  Episode 51 is damn near an hour long and packed with wall to wall commentary and is Sponsored By:  Outcome Athletics, Home of Bethanee Randles, the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island.