Wake Up Bainbridge

045 - City Council Meets Tonight to Discuss SAMMICH Boards, Candidate Updates and Murder on Bainbridge Under Review



Richard and Sal go over the current candidate list for the election toCity of Bainbridge Island, Washington City Council 2019. CandidatesAnthony Oddo for Council, Sarah Blossom, Kirsten Hytopoulos andMichael Pollock have agreed to speak with us. We are reaching out toKol Medina and LeslieschneiderbainbridgeIslandcitycouncil to see if they will come on as well. We are hopeful to have everyone on. If that wasn't enough, we deep dive into the current court case going onKitsap County Superior Courthouse. The Kitsap Sun had a good write up covering all the mishaps that may derail the prosecution.