Body Buddies Podcast | Nutrition | Fitness | Mindset

233: Postpartum & Breastfeeding Part 3 | Nutrition and Weight Loss



After you've had a baby (or more than one), it can be very easy to look at your postpartum body and feel negative emotion. "Bouncing back" seems to happen to the genetically lucky minority of women, and we can feel embarrassed that our bodies do not look the same as before our pregnancy. These negative feelings can lead to sadness about our body image, and even an increased turning to food to cope with these emotions (sounds backwards, but is very true!). In this episode, you will hear: Kristy Jo's own vulnerable experience with her postpartum body and the unmet expectations she is dealing with How to offer yourself grace for doing the best you could. The mindsets and strategies to coping more joyfully with the feelings of postpartum around the new body. You can OWN your postpartum body with love, grace, and joy. No, it's not an overnight 'fix,' but with the tools and mindsets discussed in this episode, you can feel more like YOU every day (and gain more confidence to care for yourself too!). It's a win-w
