Live. Love. Eat.

Episode Five: Jimmy Moore



Jimmy Moore is a popular blogger, writer, and health advocate who publishes several podcast episodes each week and who writes a blog at his website,  He came to a career of health advocacy from a life of obesity, weighing in at about 400 pounds.  In 2004, however, after finally making peace with some emotional demons, and finding a diet (Atkins!) that worked for him, he was able to lose 150 pounds in just one year.  A year later he began blogging and writing books about his experiences, and in the meantime he has become a truly beloved and prolific figure among many online health communities.  Jimmy has come onto the Live Love Eat podcast in order to share in a more philosophical and personal aspect of his work.  Jimmy's weight has fluctuated throughout the course of his advocacy career, and he has always been a public figure, so he has had to learn how to navigate those two worlds.  On this podcast, we delve into these issues.  To read more about Jimmy, his work, low-carb dieting, and