Vertical Hold: Behind The Tech News

Apple embraces right to repair, Xbox turns 20, Telstra sells power, Google drops a cool billion: Vertical Hold Ep 355



Why is Apple suddenly playing nice with right to repair advocates? Would it be wise to get your electrons from Telstra at the same time as your phone service? What will Google's billion dollar Oz investment mean? Special guests Choice's Erin Turner (@erinlturner), ZDNet's Chris Duckett (@dobes) and DigitallyDownloaded.Net's Matt Sainsbury (@mattsainsb) Vertical Hold is brought to you by Aussie Broadband – changing the game with their award-winning network and Australian based support. Vertical Hold: Behind The Tech News - podcast hosts @adam_turner and @alexkidman speak to Australia's leading technology journalists every Friday to get the stories behind the tech news of the week. @verticalholdau