Hack The Process: Mindful Action On Your Plans

Marissa Orr Responds to Strength With Warmth on Hack the Process Podcast



Writing from the heart can be a struggle, especially when you're a single parent with a full time job. That's where Marissa Orr found herself when she realized that the advice from her heroes, intended to help women get ahead in corporate jobs, was failing her, and perhaps failing the women around her as well. In this episode of Hack the Process, Marissa will tell us how her experience of modern feminism in business contradicts what we've been reading, why she now sees getting fired a gift from the universe, and how her mindfulness practice helped her make room for writing her new book, "Lean Out." For all the links, please check out the show notes at: https://www.hacktheprocess.com/marissa-orr-responds-to-strength-with-warmth-on-hack-the-process-podcast/