Hack The Process: Mindful Action On Your Plans

Personality Pricing, Queer Coaches, Puzzle Games, and More in Process Hacker News



Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got meditating moms, real resolutions, viral video, and more. For all the links, check out the show notes at http://www.hacktheprocess.com/personality-pricing-queer-coaches-puzzle-games-and-more-in-process-hacker-news/. Enjoy! Events Women Talk Design & Ladies That UX SF celebrate International Women’s Day on March 5 by presenting smart ladies in tech and design, including Jina Anne. From March 11 to 13, Jina will also be speaking in Cape Town, South Africa for Pixel Up! 2019 a three-day conference on design, content, and UX. Enjoy a night of revelation, personal development, and men talking on March 5 in Sydney, Australia, as Beyond the Beers puts the spotlight on JuVan Langford and Mike Campbell at Finding Your Fit: Why Community and Brotherhood is the Answer for Men. Catch them again in Brisbane, Australia on March 12. M