Hack The Process: Mindful Action On Your Plans

2018-05-30 Process Hacker News from Hack the Process Podcast



Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got accidental activism, scientific mindfulness, leadership failures, and more. For all the links, check out the show notes at http://www.hacktheprocess.com/process-hacker-news-for-may-30-2018-accidental-activism-scientific-mindfulness-leadership-failures-and-more/ Enjoy! Events Sarah Cooper chatting with MTV’s Decoded star Franchesca Ramsey about activism by accident is sure to crack you up! See them at Marines’ Memorial Bar in San Francisco on June 2. Catch the unveiling of Jenny Feinberg’s vibrant, expressive art at Serendipity Labs in Hollywood on June 21. For the month of May, Fund Club, an organization founded by Ashe Dryden, was able to raise $6,800 to help support Hue Design Summit, a conference for designers and developers of color, which will be holding their gathering in Atlanta, Georgia from July 26 to 29. Media