Hack The Process: Mindful Action On Your Plans

42 - The Power to Heal and Grow as Integrated Men with JuVan Langford on Hack the Process Podcast



Being a man in modern society comes with a lot of assumptions and negative stereotypes. JuVan Langford took a look at his own struggles with finding a positive masculine identity for himself, and made it his mission to help men identify with their integrated selves. JuVan currently runs a nonprofit that counsels young men in school, and works as a men's empowerment coach, running events and working directly with clients around the world. In this episode, JuVan will share how he turned his feelings of vulnerability as an abused child into an asset, how he trains his clients to choose and use affirmations even when they don't believe them at first, and how he identifies and connects with mentors from the past and the present as part of his personal development.