Hack The Process: Mindful Action On Your Plans

33 - Networking as a Social Media Native with Tara Hunt on Hack the Process Podcast



Tara Hunt is a networking pioneer who has considered herself a native of the online social landscape since before there were web browsers. Her enthusiasm for learning how people use new tools and techniques to connect with other people still keeps her engaged, even as the context evolves constantly. Tara's work has included writing blogs and books about social capital (aka whuffie), creating co-working spaces, consulting with organizations large and small on social strategy, and developing video channels to support personalized brand marketing. In this episode, Tara will tell us about the challenges she faced being a single parent while her career shifted back and forth from employment to independent consulting, how she turned her own fear of missing out into an asset, and how she's learned to keep herself steady as she surfs the turbulent waters of the social web.