Hack The Process: Mindful Action On Your Plans

25 - Mentoring Mentors and Small Sharing with Andi Galpern on Hack the Process Podcast



Andi Galpern is the founder of Cascade SF, who open-sourced her own Design education by inviting experts to teach the subjects she wanted to learn. Andi also hosts events she describes as speed dating for mentoring, which give designers the opportunity to share their knowledge and learn from each other without the overhead of giving a presentation to a large group. But small sharing can lead to larger sharing, and Andi talks about how the mentors in her program come to realize that they actually know more than they thought through these interactions, and move on to become leaders in their own areas of expertise. Andi discusses how learning to delegate expanded her potential, and the importance of putting ideas out there and sharing them with more people, to build a brand and develop confidence