Hack The Process: Mindful Action On Your Plans

14 - Season One Review of Hack the Process Podcast



The previous episode of Hack the Process marked the end of the first season. At this point, I thought it would be a good idea to take an episode to review what I’ve discussed with the different guests, and share a little more about what my motivation was to create this podcast and put it out into the world. I’ll also tell you a little bit about what I was expecting from this podcast, and compare it to what actually came out. (I’ll give you a hint: it was a delightful surprise.) First of all, I want to thank all my guests from the first season: Tracy DeLuca, Adam Siddiq, Pace Smith, Paula Jenkins, Malek Banoun, Vinay Patankar, Alex De Simone, Andrew Nance, Ron Lichty, Ankit Shah, Hampton Catlin, Tara Byrne, and Ryan Waggoner. I don’t know if you fully understood what you were getting yourselves into when we started, but I appreciate each of you being so candid and open with our interviews. Your generosity and honesty made the season what it was. One of the things I like to bring to my work no matter where I’