Stereo Voodoo - .

Stereo Voodoo #110 (110)



1. Einsturzende Neubauten (Germany) - "All of nomans land is ours" CD "Lament" (Mute/BMG) 2. Наадя (РФ) - "Омут" CD "Наадя" (Kometa music) 3. The Broken Family Band (UK) - "At the back of the chapel" CD "Its all over: The best of The Broken Family band" (State 51) 4. Massilia Sound System (France) - "La responsa es dins lo vent" CD "Massilia" (Manivette) 5. The Deadbeats (UK/USA) - "Crazy when I hear that beat" CD "On tar beach" (Big Beat/Ace) 6. The Deadbeats (UK/USA) - "Sexy Sadie" CD "On tar beach" (Big Beat/Ace) 7. Barbarisms (Sweden) - "Olga Khokhlova" CD "Barbarisms" (Control Freak Kitten) 8. Rocca-Benigni-Duo (Italy) - "Silfineide" CD "Upset." (FinisTerre) 9. Cymbals Eat Guitars (USA) - "Chambers" CD "Lose" (Tough Love) 10. Jun Miyake feat.Lisa Papineau (Japan/France) - "The Unspoken" CD "Lost Memory Theatre - Act 2" (Yellow Bird) 11. Slim Twig (Canada) - "Shroud by the sheetful" CD "A hound at the hem" (DFA) 12. Coco Mbassi (Cameroun) - "Din longe" CD "Joa" (Conserprod) 13. Current 93 (UK) - "The hear
