

  Links Mentioned in this Episode: YouTube - Wi-Fi Sync Make: Online » iPad Home Button Child Lock Android now more profitable than iOS for well-known game developer ssnooZe for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store iPad 2 benchmarks trounce Xoom | Electronista 4 Ways to Protect the Back of the iPad 2 How To Use Smart Cover On iPad1 RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook prepped for April 19 launch | ZDNet Apple planning NFC e-wallet functionality for a 'coming' iPhone, NYT Apple - Press Info - iPad 2 Arrives in 25 More Countries This Friday Lab Report: More IPad 2 Benchmark Results - PCWorld iPhone falls 1000ft from plane, found undamaged in a forest | Apple is Already Replacing iPad 2s for Backlight Bleeding Issues Want to use camcorder footage in iMovie for iPad 2? Apple says no Verizon selling iPad 1 for as low as $299 Color™ for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store Wooden iPad 2 cover iOS 4.3.1 fixes iPod touch graphics glitch, TV flickering issue XGear Smart Cover Enhancer Pr