

  Links Mentioned in this Episode: iOs 4_2 walk through iOS 4.2 improves iPhone 3G performance Stay tuned: Big announcement from Apple Tuesday - Daring Fireball: Regarding Ashok Kumar's Track Record on Apple Our Android tablet experiment has failed miserably | ZDNet White iPhone 4 - Post Tech - Google Voice available on iPhone after being blocked, FCC questions Google Voice for iPhone on the iTunes App Store RIM Attacks Apple -- Video Showing PlayBook Browser Is Faster Than iPad's Hulu Plus Lowered To $7.99, iPhone, iPad App Now iOS 4.2 Ready | The APPera Apple’s iAd Coming to Europe in December Steve Wozniak: Android's "More Features" Will Beat iPhone Eventually Woz - Google Translate Apple Destroyed Products | Fubiz™ Damn You Auto Correct! - Funny iPhone Fails and Autocorrect Horror Stories iPhone beats RIM, others in satisfaction survey | Apple - CNET News Non-iPhone buyer's remorse - Fortune Tech SportSched