Today In Ios Podcast - The Unofficial Ios, Iphone, Ipad, And Apple Watch News And Iphone Apps Podcast

Tii - iTem 0142 - Reports about Apple remotely killing your Jailbroken iPhone are total BS



Links Mentioned in this Episode: iXP1-500 Adapter Solves iPad USB Charging Issues Apple iAd partners say they're happy with early results | Technology | Los Angeles Times China Unicom plans to offer iPhone 4 in early Sep - MarketWatch The Associated Press: Accused iPad thief faces attempted-murder charge HTML5 Continuing to Gain Ground With Yahoo! Mail for iPad, Vimeo Embedding - Mac Rumors AppleInsider | South Korean iPhone 4 preorders hit 130K in first 13 hours The Nine Most Ingenious iPad Accessories | News & Opinion | iPad Gmail Gets New Streamlined Interface iPhone Gets the Official R2-D2 Case Treatment, Too LG Vows To Kill Apple: "Our Tablet Will Be Better Than The iPad" -  WaterWear Report: Jobs Promises iOS 4 Update for iPhone 3G 'Soon' | News & Opinion | YouTube - Jeffrey Jackson - Falling Off Slashdot Apple Story | Apple Patents Remotely Disabling Jailbroken Phones Apple patent looks to lock up jailbreakers - ZDNet Five Reasons to Pick an HP Tablet Over an